Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Ben Mack: Smuggler of Secrets

Ben Mack, intrepid Magician of Simpleology, Secular Magick, and Bokononoist is the modern Indiana Jones of the MemeSphere. Wild trecks through the heart of darkness of the corporate marketing world have left indeliable scars but have made Ben Mack one of the most dangerous minds in America. You may recall the ruthless exposure of Howard Campbell that was published in Poker Without Cards.

Ben has a new book designed for business and activists called Think Two Products Ahead. This book is good but what is really cool and only the Magickians of Simpleology are invited is the

Teleseminar that Ben Mack is giving with Mark Joyner TODAY!
If you have not joined, bust click the banner...ignore the direct marketing...just scroll down to the bottom and you will get sent an e-mail where you can access the phone call.

Do you guys remember when Ben was interviewed by Joe Matheny...hhahahahah

I thought Ben was totally off his nut for real...it was before I heard the whole story, only told in the copies of Twisp that I am selling underground via Borderlands.

1. This week's Simpleology Live Learning Event: Ben Mack

It likely originated in China in 1000 BC.

It became popular amongst the French nobility in the late 18th Century.

It was once called a Bandalore.

The first US patent was filed in 1866.

It went into space in 1985.

Your Grandparents likely had one ...

Your Parents likely had one ...

You've likely had one ...

... Or at least used one ...

What am I talking about?

The Yo Yo.

Hold on - if Yo Yo's have already "been around" for three thousand years, why did the American public suddenly go "ga-ga" over the Yomega Yo Yo in 1998?

The answer to that is Ben Mack.

Ben Mack is a branding expert and former Senior Vice President of BBDO Atlanta. If you've got a Yomega YoYo sitting on a shelf somewhere in your house, you can probably thank Ben Mack for it, because Ben created the strategy behind the Yomega's meteoric jump from $8mm to OVER $100mm in the late 90's.

For the last two years, Ben has been working with entrepreneurs in getting more from every touch they have with a customer. In a special Simpleology Live Learning Event, he has agreed to reveal 7 secrets that the "big ad agencies" don't want the "little guys" to know how to use ...

Time and Date:

Ben Mack:

"Think Two Products Ahead"

Wednesday 24 May 2006
8PM Eastern

Get it Two Ways - Over the Phone or Webcast

Call in Number:

Access Code:

Webcast URL:
(must have the free Real Audio player installed)

(... continued from above)

Here's a sample of what you'll learn:

Thinking two-steps ahead is basic to any strategic thinking ... When you think two products ahead you start thinking like a marketer.

Misconceptions around branding are common ... a brand is the likelihood of a customer buying from you now and in the future.

Ben reveals the basic 3-step branding scheme all ad agencies use.

Ben talks listeners through extracting a brand essence and identifying their common thread.

Ben shows how to evaluate every communication against this common thread ... this is how easy branding can be.

And much more ...

i have to confess that if i'd read ben's book before i'd written mine, i would have written it A LOT differently.

and it probably would have been a best seller. ben's work in branding is spot-on for setting almost any product up for success.

it doesn't look like i'll be able to make the gig tonight, but i would recommend it to anyone just from what i know of these guys already.
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